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In Preparation:




Williams, B., Pintor L., Gray S., Multiple Stressors Lead to Complex Responses in Reproductive Behaviors


Williams, B., Pintor L., Toomey M., Gray, S. Male Nuptial Coloration in an African cichlid is Controlled by Plastic and Population Effects


Williams, B., Pintor L., Gray S., The effects of Oxygen and Turbidity on Sex Hormones in an African Cichlid


Williams, B., Pintor L., Gray S., The Role of Aromatase Inhibition on Courtship and Competitive Behaviors in an African cichlid






Williams, B., Wiebler, J., Lee, R., Costanzo, J. 2018. Nitric oxide metabolites in hypoxia, freezing, and hibernation of the wood frog, Rana sylvatica. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: 188 (6): 957-966.





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